Fresh Onions from India 来自印度的新鲜洋葱
India is the leading exporter of fresh onions in the world Onions are low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium. It is known to lower the risk of heart disease. Indian onions are especially popular across the globe because of their pungency.
The onion bulbs are classified into three grades based on bulb size i.e. A (> 80 mm), B (50-80 mm), and C (30-50 mm) grades. In India, the grading of onion is usually performed manually either before storage or before marketing.
Characteristics of good quality onion:
Firm, hard, and dried. With a smaller and tightly closed neck. Skin must be thin, papery, dried, and intact with a bulb. The fleshy scales should not be exposed. Store whole onions in a cool, dry spot that’s out of the sun.
Indian onions have two crop cycles, the first harvesting starts in November to January, and the second harvesting from January to May. The onion is a hardy cool-season biennial but is usually grown as an annual crop. The onion has narrow, hollow leaves and a base that enlarges to form a bulb.
Our onions are one of the best available in the market.